– Contributed Photo/Graham County
SAFFORD — The Southeastern Arizona Sportsmen Club is conducting another event this spring — a family picnic.
The club’s Family Picnic and Fishing Derby will take place Saturday, April 27, starting at 6 a.m., in the gazebo near the duck ponds at Graham County Fairgrounds.
There will be prizes for the most fish caught, the largest fish caught and the smallest fish caught.
Food will be served around 11:30 a.m.
The picnic is open to paid members of the club only; however, the club will take membership applications and dues both at the event and online.
Southeastern Arizona Sportsman Club conducted nearly a dozen wildlife habitat restorations over the past year, as well as provided trainings for youths in firearms safety, and conservation efforts.
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David Bell , gilavalleycentral.net
Local News – GilaValleyCentral.Net , 2024-04-02 21:43:31
Categories: Local News